Avanti! Patronal Feast Day Event


Join us June 13th, 12:00 to 2:30 p.m. Avanti

Pray and Process the Year That Was.  Celebrate the Good to Come!  

Will you join us as we gather our faith family to process the year that was, to pray and to heal, to celebrate the new life that is ready to emerge?  We hope this session will be a graced opportunity to give voice to the stirrings in our hearts as we navigate our way into a new future.  

 Come and be heard, fed, nurtured and sent!  Whether you come simply to listen, to pray, to be among familiar faces, to share your experiences of the past year, or simply for the cake…come be with the faith community of St. Anthony for a special afternoon of reflection, healing and celebration.  Save the date for this special community event.