Prayer Shawls

A Sign of God's Love

Prayer shawls are a tangible sign of God’s love, and prayers are woven into each shawl.

A prayer intention is offered for the recipient who may or may not be known to the shawl creator. In the process of knitting or crocheting, prayers are offered for healing, for comfort, for peace of mind.

As the recipient wraps him/herself in the shawl, they are enfolded in prayers.

The prayer shawl ministry meets in the church gathering space Fireplace Lounge on the second Tuesday of the month from 7 to 8:30 p.m. to pray, knit or crochet, and share patterns and fellowship. As each shawl is completed, a blessing is offered for the shawl and the person who will receive it.

New people are always welcome, regardless of ability for needlework. Our more experienced members would love to help you get started. Even if you can’t make the meetings, you can still contribute shawls made on your own. If you have any questions about joining the prayer shawl ministry, contact Terry Robinson at (262) 691-1173 X1119 or

Prayer Shawls are available in the Gathering Space.  These are free of charge created with love and prayers by the St. Anthony on the Lake Prayer Shawl Ministry.


The St. Anthony Prayer Shawl Ministry has been in existence 15-plus years and has provided shawls to more than 700 people.

Comments from Recipients:

  • I never understood the comfort of a prayer shawl until I received one when my niece died tragically.
  • My grandson chose a blue one because that was his mother’s favorite color.
  • My husband held his shawl at his last breath.
  • My shawl kept me warm during my chemo treatments.

 Comments from Prayer Shawl Ministry members:

  • Knowing that the work of my hands, the yarn colors and patterns, provides comfort to those who are hurting brings me joy.
  • I enjoy the peacefulness and friendship at the meetings.
  • I have my mother’s shawl. Sometimes I wrap up in it and remember her.
  • We can use whatever patterns and colors we like, it’s a creative way to help others. 

Do you know someone who would benefit from a prayer shawl? Just let us know by calling the parish office at (262) 691-1173 or emailing

More information on prayer shawls can be found at

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