Stewardship Committee

“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”  ~Matthew 5:16

Mission: Lead people to growth as mature Christian disciples by deepening engagement in prayer, service and sacrificial giving.

Vision: All parishioners live intentional lives of holiness and generosity.

Chair: Larry O'Brien

Staff Liaison: Megan Sheehan, Director of Communications & Stewardship

Pastoral Council Liaison: Colleen Wahlen

  • Larry O'Brien, Chair
  • Paula Brunner
  • Terri Field
  • Dave Grunwaldt
  • Missy Murrayy
  • Carol O'Keefe
  • Megan Sheehan
  • Kay Redmond
  • Collen Wahlen
  • Walt Wochos
  • Father Tony Zimmer

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